looks like someone has written a utility -
https://flood.io/blog/convert-har-files-to-jmeter-test-plans/ .I dont
recollect if IE has a way from network tab to save all requests as HAR -
Chrome does. IF IE doesnt youll have to convert one request at a time and
then keep copying the result so that you have a single JMeter script.
If you wanted to do it all by yourself then
a. You should have a reasonably good understanding of HTTP
b. You should have a reasonably good understanding of JMeter features
c. You should have a reasonably good understanding of your application -
whats significant , what isnt , whats dynamic , what needs to be measured
Next open network tab in developer tools and make sure that the clear
entries on navigate is not set so that you can record all requests and that
IE is capturing the requests (the green triangle). Its probably a good idea
to do it with a clean IE (no browsers , no cache etc and you should
probably check the Always refresh from server)
Next execute the steps on IE that you want your script to execute . You'll
see IE capturing a bunch of requests.
Click the first one - you can see the Request URL , headers, parameters ,
cookies etc. These can be manually entered into the JMeter script as a HTTP
sampler. The URL goes into the path - The parameters as individual
parameters in the sampler
Note : You probably want to add a HTTP request defaults (so that you dont
need to specify the server name everytime as well as when you then
parameterise this for environments you can make changes in one place) . You
also need to add a Cookie Manager for e.g. if your system uses cookies and
a Header Manager since you usually have common headers (This is where you
need to map Jmeter features to your script)
Next youll notice a bunch of requests related to your browser downloading
Javascripts , Images , CSS files and depending on your application a bunch
of other URLs . This is where you need to decide what you are testing and
how you are going to test it - for e.g. you may elect to not worry about
images/css/js and if so you'd just ignore these - You might elect to just
use JMeters download embedded resources on HTTP sampler and again you can
then ignore these requests because JMeter will automatically download them
(but verify it is downloading all!) OR you might choose to deal with these
as separate requests (e.g. say one of the images are dynamically generated
server side charts) and so on.
You will notice some parameters that are being sent by the browser that
look dynamic and then you will need to figure out how to extract them and
use JMeter post processors and variables
You might also see some requests that have a response code other than 200
and you would then again decide whether you want these as separate requests
or you just want to check follow redirects on the sampler
After all that you might run your script and then see that it just doesnt
work - AT which time youll have to go and do a step by step comparison and
see whats the difference
Note that an automatically recorded script has much of the same problems so
you cant avoid some of these problems. You might find some examples on the
web that perhaps go into a little more detail .
Post by kumar srujanHi Deepak,
Thanks for the response.
I have few doubts on the suggestion given by you (new to the tool )
1. How we can start the creation of scripts from info available in network
tab of developer's tool. Can u guide me through.
2. Yes. Traffic is routed through the company's proxy.
Post by kumar srujanHi Deepak,
Thanks for the response.
I have few doubts on the suggestion given by you (new to the tool )
1. How we can start the creation of scripts from info available in
Post by kumar srujantab of developer's tool. Can u guide me through.
2. Yes. Traffic is routed through the company's proxy.
Post by kumar srujanPost by kumar srujanOnly Client specific URL/Sites will be accessed, even google is not
Also If I understand the above correctly , your JMeter will also need to
use a proxy when you actually run your script. Your statement implies
Post by kumar srujanPost by kumar srujanyour traffic is routed through your companies proxy.
Post by kumar srujanHi
If you cant change the browsers config to use a proxy (or use a
Post by kumar srujanbrowser) then you cant record a script with JMeter. In most
Post by kumar srujanthat means you need to send a case , explain your reasons and get a
temporary waiver till you record your script.
However that doesn't stop you from creating your script . In IE if you
press F12 you can see developer tools - That has a network tab that
Post by kumar srujanPost by kumar srujanPost by kumar srujanshow you the request / response pairs and allow you to create your
Post by kumar srujanfrom scratch.
Post by kumar srujanHI Team,
No events/requests were captured by JMeter [v3.3] in IE [v11] for a
Post by kumar srujanPost by kumar srujanPost by kumar srujanPost by kumar srujanapplication with HTTP(S)Test Script Recorder option.
1) Few IE Settings were managed by admin. "Use
Post by kumar srujanPost by kumar srujanconfiguration script" check box was checked and it can't
Post by kumar srujanPost by kumar srujanmodified due to security reasons.
2) No facility to download Firefox or any plugins for
browser/JMeter in the Client machine.
3) Only Client specific URL/Sites will be accessed,
Post by kumar srujanPost by kumar srujangoogle is not accessible.
4) Import of ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt is
successful, however it is not shown under Certificates tab
Post by kumar srujanPost by kumar srujanIE browser.
JDK/JRE 1.8 is available.
Tried to record the scenario with localhost and
Post by kumar srujanPost by kumar srujanports, no luck.
Not allowed to change any registry key as workaround solution.
Kindly suggest any possibility to overcome this situation and proceed
with recording.