when I meant by error, i have assertion on my jmeter test plan. Since it
didnt meet assertion it failed.
@Manish yes that configuration worked when i tried it .
But lets say when i have 250 students and I would like 2000 students to
login in 1 hr. So, basically in 1 minute 33 users login.
Thread group :250
ramp up: 450
loop: 1
If i run the test in this configureation, all the assertion that i have
pass and it shows no error. But If i would like to run this test longer
and I increase the number of loops.
Thread Group: 250
ramp up: 450
Now, the assertions that i have do not pass and it shows errror.
I know in my application, one user is not allowed to login multiple times
until the session thats logged in is logged out.
so, I am wondering, when I have loop 3. Does all the loop starts at once?
if so than that is causing my assertion to fail and giving error.
@Flavio I dont need to start all my thread at once, But I would like to
test the real scenario, where 2000 users login in 2 hrs. So, basically 1
min 33 users.
Post by Flavio CysneJust test it here with JMeter 2.9.
Threads Group (threads: 5, rampup: 0, loop: 3)
- Debug sampler
- Gaussian Random Timer (deviation: 400, offset: 600)
Thread Group 1-1 started after Thread Group 1-5 second execution
Loop count is for each thread not for all threads together.
In your case, if you want to all threads start together for each loop
Synchronizing Timer using all threads
where 300 is the time gap between two threads to start.
with this the first thread will start at 300ms from test start, second at
600ms, third at 900ms, and so on
If you need to use distributed testing with this approach you'll have to
define a system property for every server (or using a property defined in
command line) with distinct values.
For example, if you have 5 machines, the first machine you'll define a
system property called custom.machine.index=1, second machine will have a
value of 2, and so on.
Hope it helps you.
Post by Manish SapariyaDoes following configuration work?
Thread group: 1
ramp up: 1
loop: 2
Thanks and Regards,
kPoint wins *Global eLearning
Post by Manish Sapariya* in Learning Technologies Solution!
Post by umesh prajapatiMy second thought is, if loop is not the issue, is jmeter cookie killer
Post by umesh prajapaticlearing my cookies session each iteration??
Post by guruI have question regarding loop.. and wondering if anyone could help
Post by Manish SapariyaPost by umesh prajapatiout.
Post by guruThread group: 250
ramp up: 450
loop: 1
I get no error.
Thread group: 250
ramp up:450
I get error
Thread group: 250
ramp up: 450
I get error
Thread group: 10
ramp up: 1
loop: 1
No error
Thread group: 10
ramp up: 1
loop: 5
I get error
I am testing SSO login, and our application do not allow user to
Post by Manish Sapariyain
Post by umesh prajapatiPost by gurutwice. user has to logout.
In my test i have a request for login and logout..
I am reading 250 different users from a file.
But when I have loop, these users are repeated.
My question is when I have loop count = 2 or 3. Do all the loop get
Post by gurusame time or does 2nd loop starts only after the first loop has
Post by guruI have a feeling this error has to do with loop since i am not
Post by Manish SapariyaPost by umesh prajapatiPost by guruerror
in loop count 1. But I do not understand why it is giving me error
Post by Manish SapariyaPost by umesh prajapatiPost by guruloop
count is 2 or more. When I have logout request and as well as clear
Post by gurueach iteration.
Post by Manish SapariyaPost by umesh prajapatiPost by guruSent from the JMeter - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.